Setting up

The examples are run using the SBC R package. - consult the Getting Started with SBC vignette for basics of the package. We will also use “custom backends” which are discussed and explained in the Implementing a new backend.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = TRUE)

options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())


# If true, additional test quantities based on energy score and variogram
# score are included. Those were not very successful and are not discussed
# in the paper.
include_sampling_scores <- FALSE

# Setup caching of SBC results for faster iterations
if(include_sampling_scores) {
  cache_dir <- "./_samp_scores_SBC_cache"
} else {
  cache_dir <- "./_SBC_cache"

fig_dir <- "./_figs" 

if(!dir.exists(cache_dir)) {
if(!dir.exists(fig_dir)) {


hist_plot_width <- 8
hist_plot_height <- 3

We are using the model:

\[ \begin{align} \mathbf{\mu} &\sim \mbox{MVN}(0, \mathbf{\Sigma}) \notag \\ \mathbf{y}_1, \ldots, \mathbf{y}_n &\sim \mbox{MVN}(\mathbf{\mu}, \mathbf{\Sigma}) \notag\\ \mathbf{\Sigma} &= \left(\begin{matrix} 1 & 0.8 \\ 0.8 & 1 \\ \end{matrix}\right) \end{align} \]

where \(MVN\) is the multivariate normal distribution. In this case the posterior has analytical solution and should also be multivariate normal.

Now we draw 1000 simulated datasets from this model:


mvn_sigma <- matrix(c(1, 0.8,0.8,1), nrow = 2)

generator_func_correlated <- function(N, sigma = mvn_sigma) {
  mu <- rmvnorm(1, sigma = sigma)
  y <- rmvnorm(N, mean = mu, sigma = sigma)
  list(variables = list(mu = mu[1,]),
       generated = list(y = y))

N_sims <- 1000

ds <- generate_datasets(SBC_generator_function(generator_func_correlated, N = 3, sigma = mvn_sigma), N_sims)

We will use a custom backend that will directly generate draws using a function passed into the sampling_func argument.

my_backend_mvn <- function(sampling_func, N_samples = 100, func_extra_args = list()) {
  structure(list(sampling_func = sampling_func, N_samples = N_samples, 
                 func_extra_args = func_extra_args), class = "my_backend_mvn")

SBC_fit.my_backend_mvn <- function(backend, generated, cores) {
  all_args <- c(list(y = generated$y, N_samples = backend$N_samples), backend$func_extra_args)
  res_raw <-$sampling_func, all_args)
  K <- ncol(generated$y)
  colnames(res_raw) <- paste0("mu[", 1:K, "]")

SBC_backend_iid_draws.my_backend_mvn <- function(backend) {

my_backend_mvn_globals = c("SBC_fit.my_backend_mvn",

By defualt, SBC will include the individual parameters (mu[1], mu[2]) as test quantities. We now setup the additional test quantities:

quants <- derived_quantities(`mu[1] + mu[2]` = mu[1] + mu[2], 
                               `mu[1] - mu[2]` = mu[1] - mu[2],
                               `mu[1] * mu[2]` = mu[1] * mu[2],
                                mvn_log_lik = sum(mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y, mean = mu, sigma = mvn_sigma, log = TRUE)),
                               `mvn_log_lik[1]` = mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y[1,], mean = mu, sigma = mvn_sigma, log = TRUE),
                               `mvn_log_lik[2]` = mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y[2,], mean = mu, sigma = mvn_sigma, log = TRUE),

# Ordering the quantities for neat plotting in the paper
order_quants <- function(results) {
  quants_in_order <- c("mu[1]", "mu[2]", 
                    "mu[1] + mu[2]",
                    "mu[1] - mu[2]",
                    "mu[1] * mu[2]",
                    "mu[1] * mean(y[,1])",
  if(!(all(results$stats$variable %in% quants_in_order))) {
    print(setdiff(unique(results$stats$variable, quants_in_order)))
    stop("Unrecognized quants")
  results$stats <- results$stats %>% mutate(variable = factor(variable, levels = quants_in_order))
if(include_sampling_scores) {
  sampled_score_mvnorm <- function(y, mu, sigma, score, ...) {
    sim_data <- t(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(200, mean = mu, sigma = sigma))
    res_single <- numeric(nrow(y))
    for(i in 1:nrow(y)) {
      res_single <- score(y[i,], sim_data, ...)
  es_mvnorm <- function(y, mu, sigma) {
    sampled_score_mvnorm(y, mu, sigma, scoringRules::es_sample)
  vs_mvnorm <- function(y, mu, sigma) {
    sampled_score_mvnorm(y, mu, sigma, scoringRules::vs_sample)
  quants_sampled <- derived_quantities(`energy score` = es_mvnorm(y, mu, mvn_sigma),
                               `variogram score` =  vs_mvnorm(y, mu, mvn_sigma),
                               .globals = c("sampled_score_mvnorm", "es_mvnorm", "vs_mvnorm"))
  quants <- bind_derived_quantities(quants, quants_sampled)

Correct posterior

Introducing \(\bar{\mathbf{y}} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i = 1}^{N} \mathbf{y}_i\), the posterior is \(MVN\left(\frac{N\bar{\mathbf{y}}}{n + 1}, \frac{1}{N + 1}\mathbf{\Sigma}\right)\)

Let’s define the sampling function and backend corresponding to the correct posterior and run SBC.

sampling_func_correct <- function(y, N_samples, prior_sigma = mvn_sigma) {
  K <- ncol(y)
  N <- nrow(y)
  ybar = colMeans(y)

  post_mean <- N * ybar / (N  + 1)
  post_sigma <- prior_sigma / (N + 1) 
  res_raw <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(N_samples, mean = post_mean, sigma = post_sigma)
backend_correct <- my_backend_mvn(sampling_func_correct)

res_correct <- compute_SBC(ds, backend_correct, dquants = quants, 
                              globals = my_backend_mvn_globals,
                              cache_mode = "results",
                              cache_location = file.path(cache_dir, "mvn_correct"),
## Cache file exists but the backend hash differs. Will recompute.
res_correct <- order_quants(res_correct)

Those are the diagnostic plots after 1000 simulations.



And here is the history of the gamma statistic (see the paper for exact definitons).

p_hist_correct <- plot_log_gamma_history(res_correct)

ggsave(file.path(fig_dir, "hist_correct.pdf"), p_hist_correct, width = hist_plot_width, height = hist_plot_height)

For comparison also the history of the p-value for a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for uniformity (blue horizontal line is 0.05).


Ignoring Data

Several examples of posteriors that ignore all or some of the data follow.

Prior only

Now we run SBC for a backend that samples from the prior:

sampling_func_prior_only <- function(y, N_samples) {
  mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = N_samples, sigma = mvn_sigma)

backend_prior_only <- my_backend_mvn(sampling_func_prior_only)

res_prior_only <- compute_SBC(ds, backend_prior_only, dquants = quants, 
                              globals = my_backend_mvn_globals,
                              cache_mode = "results",
                              cache_location = file.path(cache_dir, "mvn_prior_only"))
## Cache file exists but the backend hash differs. Will recompute.
res_prior_only <- order_quants(res_prior_only)

Now the diagnostic plots



p_hist_prior_only <- plot_log_gamma_history(res_prior_only, max_sim_id = 50)

ggsave(file.path(fig_dir, "hist_prior_only.pdf"), p_hist_prior_only, width = hist_plot_width, height = hist_plot_height)

Here’s the rest of the history showing that non-data dependent variables do not show any meaningful discrepancy:

plot_log_gamma_history(res_prior_only, max_sim_id = 1000, variables_regex = "^mu|vario")

For comparison, here’s the history of the KS p-value:

plot_ks_test_history(res_prior_only, max_sim_id = 50)
## Warning: Transformation introduced infinite values in continuous y-axis

Additonally, we show that splitting the ranks for mu[1] and mu[2] by the average of y results in strongly non-uniform histograms. However the non-uniformity in each subgroup is much smaller than what e.g. the mvn_log_lik quantity provides.

mean1_positive <- which(purrr::map_lgl(ds$generated, function(x) { mean(x$y[,1]) > 0 }))
mean2_positive <- which(purrr::map_lgl(ds$generated, function(x) { mean(x$y[,2]) > 0 }))
stats_split <- res_prior_only$stats %>% filter(variable %in% c("mu[1]", "mu[2]")) %>%
  mutate(variable = paste0(variable, " - mean y ", 
                           if_else(if_else(variable == "mu[1]", sim_id %in% mean1_positive, sim_id %in% mean2_positive), 
                                   "positive", "negative"))

# The visualisations in SBC package do not supprt different variables have different
# number of simulations. We thus discard simulations to keep both groups of the same size.
min_n <- stats_split %>% group_by(variable) %>% summarise(n = n()) %>% pull(n) %>% min()

stats_split <- stats_split %>% group_by(variable) %>%
  mutate(sim_id = 1:n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(sim_id <= min_n)

p_rank_hist_prior_only_split <- plot_rank_hist(stats_split) + facet_wrap(~variable, nrow = 1)

ggsave(file.path(fig_dir, "rank_hist_prior_only_split.pdf"), p_rank_hist_prior_only_split, width = hist_plot_width + 1, height = hist_plot_height / 2 )

One missing data point

Now we have one data point missing:

sampling_func_one_missing <- function(y, N_samples) {
  # Delegate to the correct posterior, just throw away data
  sampling_func_correct(y[2:nrow(y),], N_samples)

backend_one_missing <- my_backend_mvn(sampling_func_one_missing)

res_one_missing <- compute_SBC(ds, backend_one_missing, dquants = quants, 
                              globals = c(my_backend_mvn_globals, "sampling_func_correct"),
                              cache_mode = "results",
                              cache_location = file.path(cache_dir, "mvn_one_missing"))
## Cache file exists but the backend hash differs. Will recompute.
res_one_missing <- order_quants(res_one_missing)

The diagnostic plots:



And the history of the gamma statistic

p_hist_one_missing <- plot_log_gamma_history(res_one_missing, max_sim_id = 100)

ggsave(file.path(fig_dir, "hist_one_missing.pdf"), p_hist_one_missing, width = hist_plot_width, height = hist_plot_height)

A bit longer window

plot_log_gamma_history(res_one_missing, max_sim_id = 500)

And the KS p-value - note that the initial discrepancies in all of the quantities look more serious in this view (although the non-likelihood quantities in fact have uniform distribution)

plot_ks_test_history(res_one_missing, max_sim_id = 500)
## Warning: Transformation introduced infinite values in continuous y-axis

One missing data point - larger N

Identical setup as above, but we have 20 data points.

# Generate datasets with 20 datapoints.
ds_20 <- generate_datasets(SBC_generator_function(generator_func_correlated, N = 20, sigma = mvn_sigma), N_sims)

res_one_missing_20 <- compute_SBC(ds_20, backend_one_missing, dquants = quants, 
                              globals = c(my_backend_mvn_globals, "sampling_func_correct"),
                              cache_mode = "results",
                              cache_location = file.path(cache_dir, "mvn_one_missing_20"))
## Cache file exists but the backend hash differs. Will recompute.
res_one_missing_20 <- order_quants(res_one_missing_20)

The final diagnostic plots



History of gamma statistic

p_hist_one_missing_20 <- plot_log_gamma_history(res_one_missing_20)

ggsave(file.path(fig_dir, "hist_one_missing_20.pdf"), p_hist_one_missing_20, width = hist_plot_width, height = hist_plot_height)

History of KS p-value


Incorrect posterior correlations

Especially when the number of data points is small, the correlations in the prior should persist in the posterior.

We however generate posterior samples from a set of independent normal distributions that happen to have the correct mean and standard deviation, just the correlation is missing.

sampling_func_uncorr <- function(y, N_samples, prior_sigma = 1) {
  K <- ncol(y)
  N <- nrow(y)
  ybar = colMeans(y)

  res_raw <- matrix(nrow = N_samples, ncol = K)
  for(k in 1:K) {
    post_mean <- N * ybar[k] / (N  + 1)
    post_sd <- sqrt(1 / (N + 1)) * prior_sigma 
    res_raw[,k] <- rnorm(N_samples, mean = post_mean, sd = post_sd)

backend_uncorr <- my_backend_mvn(sampling_func_uncorr)

res_uncorr <- compute_SBC(ds, backend_uncorr, 
                        globals = my_backend_mvn_globals,
                        dquants = quants,
                        cache_mode = "results", 
                        cache_location = file.path(cache_dir, "mvn_uncorr"))
## Cache file exists but the backend hash differs. Will recompute.
res_uncorr <- order_quants(res_uncorr)

Although the posterior is incorrect, the default univariate checks don’t show any problem even with 1000 simulations. All of the other quantities however show issues.



The history of the gamma statistic.

p_hist_corr <- plot_log_gamma_history(res_uncorr, max_sim_id = 100)

ggsave(file.path(fig_dir, "hist_corr.pdf"), p_hist_corr, width = hist_plot_width, height = hist_plot_height)

A somewhat longer window shows how all the quantities produce issues:

plot_log_gamma_history(res_uncorr, max_sim_id = 250)

And KS p-value. Note the lowered sensitivity towards issues with mu[1] * mu[2] and mu[1] + mu[2].

plot_ks_test_history(res_uncorr, max_sim_id = 250)

Non-monotonous transform

Finally our backend showing the (probably not very practical) utility of non-monotonous transformations.

# Generate even more datasets - same quantities take loooong to show problems
ds_more <- bind_datasets(
  generate_datasets(SBC_generator_function(generator_func_correlated, N = 3, sigma = mvn_sigma), n_sims = 5000)

Now let us build the sampling function. The overall idea is that we start with the correct posterior. We then use the CDF to transform the samples to [0,1], manipulate the value on this scale to achieve the desired CDF shape and than transform back with the quantile function.

sampling_func_non_mon <- function(y, N_samples, prior_sigma = mvn_sigma) {
  # Sample as if correct
  K <- ncol(y)
  N <- nrow(y)
  ybar = colMeans(y)

  post_mean <- N * ybar / (N  + 1)
  post_sigma <- prior_sigma / (N + 1) 
  res <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(N_samples, mean = post_mean, sigma = post_sigma)

  # Modify
  for(k in 1:K) {
    res_k <- res[,k]
    uniform_q <- pnorm(res_k, post_mean[k], sqrt(post_sigma[k,k]))
    if(mean(y[,k]) > 0) {
      transformed_q <- dplyr::if_else(uniform_q < 0.5, 1.5 * uniform_q, 0.75 + (uniform_q - 0.5)*0.5)
    } else {
      transformed_q <- dplyr::if_else(uniform_q < 0.5, 0.5 * uniform_q, 0.25 + (uniform_q - 0.5)*1.5)
    res_k <- qnorm(transformed_q, post_mean[k], sqrt(post_sigma[k,k]))
    res[,k] <- res_k

backend_non_mon <- my_backend_mvn(sampling_func_non_mon)

# Define different test quantities
quants_non_mon <- derived_quantities(`mu[1] * mu[2]` = mu[1] * mu[2],
                                       `abs(mu[1])` = abs(mu[1]),
                                       `drop(mu[1])` = ifelse(mu[1] < 1, mu[1], mu[1] - 5),
                                       `sin(1/mu[1])` = sin(1/mu[1]),
                                       `mu[1] * mean(y[,1])` = mu[1] * mean(y[,1]),
                                mvn_log_lik = sum(mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y, mean = mu, sigma = mvn_sigma, log = TRUE)))

if(include_sampling_scores) {
  quants_non_mon <- bind_derived_quantities(quants_non_mon, quants_sampled)

res_non_mon <- compute_SBC(ds_more, backend_non_mon, dquants = quants_non_mon, 
                              globals = c(my_backend_mvn_globals, "sampling_func_correct"),
                              cache_mode = "results",
                              cache_location = file.path(cache_dir, "mvn_non_mon"))
## Cache file exists but the backend hash differs. Will recompute.
res_non_mon <- order_quants(res_non_mon)

The diagnostic plots



Show that the manipulation of the ranks was succesful - those are the ranks split by positive/negative mean of y.

mean1_positive <- which(purrr::map_lgl(ds_more$generated, function(x) { mean(x$y[,1]) > 0 }))
mean2_positive <- which(purrr::map_lgl(ds_more$generated, function(x) { mean(x$y[,2]) > 0 }))
stats_split <- res_non_mon$stats %>% filter(variable %in% c("mu[1]", "mu[2]")) %>%
  mutate(variable = paste0(variable, " - mean y ", 
                           if_else(if_else(variable == "mu[1]", sim_id %in% mean1_positive, sim_id %in% mean2_positive), 
                                   "positive", "negative"))
# The visualisations in SBC package do not supprt different variables have different
# number of simulations. We thus discard simulations to keep both groups of the same size.
min_n <- stats_split %>% group_by(variable) %>% summarise(n = n()) %>% pull(n) %>% min()

stats_split <- stats_split %>% group_by(variable) %>%
  mutate(sim_id = 1:n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(sim_id <= min_n)

p_rank_hist_non_mon_split <- plot_rank_hist(stats_split) + facet_wrap(~variable, nrow = 1)

ggsave(file.path(fig_dir, "rank_hist_non_mon_split.pdf"), p_rank_hist_non_mon_split, width = hist_plot_width + 1, height = hist_plot_height / 2 )

Now the history. To make everything well visible, show only a subset of the simulations for some quantities:

shared_mark <- geom_vline(color = "red", linetype = "dashed", xintercept = 500)
p_hist_non_mon_1 <- plot_log_gamma_history(res_non_mon, ylim = c(-30, 5), variables_regex = "(^mu\\[.\\]$)|lik|sin") + 
  theme(axis.title = element_blank()) + shared_mark
p_hist_non_mon_2 <- plot_log_gamma_history(res_non_mon, ylim = c(-30, 5), max_sim_id = 500, variables_regex = "abs|\\*|drop") +
  theme(axis.title = element_blank()) + shared_mark

#axis title:
p_label <- ggplot(data.frame(l = "Log Gamma - Threshold", x = 1, y = 1)) +
      geom_text(aes(x, y, label = l), angle = 90, size = 5) + 
      theme_void() +
      coord_cartesian(clip = "off")

p_hist_non_mon <- p_label + (p_hist_non_mon_1 / p_hist_non_mon_2) + plot_layout(widths = c(0.4, 25))
## Warning: Removed 676 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).
## Warning: Removed 252 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).

ggsave(file.path(fig_dir, "hist_non_mon.pdf"), p_hist_non_mon, width = hist_plot_width, height = hist_plot_height)
## Warning: Removed 676 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).
## Removed 252 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).

This is the history without any modifications. Note that for several quantities the values crash too low and become NaN.

p_hist_non_mon_ext <- plot_log_gamma_history(res_non_mon, ylim = c(-30, 5))
## Warning: Removed 5752 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).

ggsave(file.path(fig_dir, "hist_non_mon_ext.pdf"), p_hist_non_mon_ext, width = hist_plot_width, height = hist_plot_height)
## Warning: Removed 5752 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).

Small changes compound

Here we add small bias to the correct posterior.

K_changes <- 2
mvn_sigma_changes <- matrix(0.8, nrow = K_changes, ncol = K_changes)
diag(mvn_sigma_changes) <- 1

ds_changes <- generate_datasets(SBC_generator_function(generator_func_correlated, N = 3, sigma = mvn_sigma_changes), n_sims = 1000)

sampling_func_small_change <- function(y, N_samples, prior_sigma) {
  res_correct <- sampling_func_correct(y, N_samples, prior_sigma)
  K = nrow(prior_sigma)
  bias <- rnorm(K, mean = 0, sd = 0.3)
  res <- res_correct
  for(k in 1:K) {
    res[,k] <- res[,k] + bias[k]  

backend_small_change <- my_backend_mvn(sampling_func_small_change, func_extra_args = list(prior_sigma = mvn_sigma_changes))

quants_change <- derived_quantities(sum = sum(mu),
                                      sum_abs = sum(abs(mu)),
                                mvn_log_lik = sum(mvtnorm::dmvnorm(y, mean = mu, sigma = mvn_sigma_changes, log = TRUE)))

res_small_change <- compute_SBC(ds_changes, backend_small_change, dquants = quants, 
                              globals = c(my_backend_mvn_globals, "sampling_func_correct", "mvn_sigma_changes"),
                              cache_mode = "results",
                              cache_location = file.path(cache_dir, paste0("mvn_small_change_", K_changes)))
## Cache file exists but the backend hash differs. Will recompute.
res_small_change <- order_quants(res_small_change)

The diagnostic plots.



And the history of the gamma statistic:

p_hist_small_change <- plot_log_gamma_history(res_small_change, max_sim_id = 500)

ggsave(file.path(fig_dir, "hist_small_change.pdf"), p_hist_small_change, width = hist_plot_width, height = hist_plot_height)

And the KS p-value - note the reduced sensitivity for e.g. mu[1], mu[2] and mu[1] + mu[2].

plot_ks_test_history(res_small_change, min_sim_id = 0, max_sim_id = 500)